Sunday, December 7, 2008

Celebrity Look-Alike

I strongly believe in not taking myself too seriously in anything that I do... being pregnant is certainly no exception. I've learned in my 26 years of life that if you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at? I have compiled this post mostly for my own entertainment, but hopefully others of you will also get a laugh or two out of it as well. I know at first you might feel bad for laughing, but remember I LAUGHED FIRST, so you have every freedom to crack up, chuckle, or laugh until you cry!

First a little background...

This weekend Justin and I, after saving for months, bought a Blackberry Bold for me to use while I am at home with Caden. The goal of the new phone was for me to be able to take and email videos and pictures of Caden throughout the work day so Justin could always be "in the loop." He doesn't want to miss out on a thing. On Saturday, after our big purchase we went to Chipotle before heading to the movie. While Justin was waiting for me to finish up my burrito he decided to play around with the phone... experimenting with the video feature. He is trying to get me to give Caden a "shout-out," but I was clearly more concerned with stuffing my face than playing the "video game."

After looking at the video and laughing hysterically for several LONG minutes (it hurts really bad to laugh that hard right now) I realized that I had a celebrity look-alike. At 8 months and a week or so pregnant I bare a striking resemblance to Jabba the Hut.

Pregnant Katie Cox = Jabba the Hut

Don't believe me? Check out the evidence below! It's proof-positive.

Exhibit 1:

Watch the video below and then click here to view my celebrity look-alike in action! 

See the resemblance? 

The video is even funnier if you channel the munching sound of the "cookie monster" while you watch! 

"YUM YUM YUM YUM! Me like cookies! YUM YUM YUM!" Hilarious right?!

Exhibit 2:

Like Jabba, I too can place food on my built-in shelf and feed my friends and family!

I tried to find a picture of Jabba eating but no luck. In the picture below you can see his handy-dandy shelf. Our bodies both fold layer upon layer on top of each other... but we're okay with it... we embrace it! We're all smiles, Jabba and me! :)

Exhibit 3:

Jabba the Hut, if you'll remember, when he feels a bit puffy at the end of the day he also lays on his left side to take the pressure off. Jabba and I are firm believers in the left-side trick! 

Click here to see Jabba's left-side action!

Are you convinced yet?

How about this one?

Pregnant Katie Cox = Mrs. Potts the Teapot

She has an obvious affinity for stripes, although Mrs. Potts is used to hiding her curves and chooses vertical lady! And she loves her little buddy Chip as much as I love my Caden! He's worth it all!

Well that's all for this edition of Celebrity Look-Alike! Until next here!

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