So here's the play-by-play from today...
Weight check: up another 2 pounds! Urine: good! Blood Pressure: great! Heartbeat: 130-135ish. Measurements: 38-39 cm, wait... did I shrink? Yep... he's dropped! Now, time for the exam.
I stripped down, threw the sheet around my bare bottom-half and hopped back on the table! At that moment Justin says, "I'm so glad I'm not a girl!" If I had been on his end of the room, you'd better believe I would have been thinking the same thing, but it really isn't all that bad is it, ladies? (NOTE: This was before my exam!)
So the doctor comes back in and we chat a little bit, "We're going to check your cervix today, it is going hurt, I'll try to be gentle, etc."
As she is getting gloved-up she wants to assure me, "with first time pregnancies it is very common for women not to make any progress by the first exam, so not to worry if nothing happens, you won't be pregnant FOREVER!"
I had already prepared myself for this outcome. Dr. F didn't even want to check me until today when I am almost 39 weeks, so I figured progress would be slow-go this first time around!
Alright, now for the good stuff... the exam starts! She looks up at me surprised and says, "Wow, girl... I don't know what you've been doing but you are 2cm almost 3cm dilated and 80% effaced, he is looking really good. He's head down and I feel your bag of waters!"
Justin is super excited and says, "So when do you think he'll come?"
"If I could tell you that I would be a millionaire, but what I can tell you is that it is highly likely you'll go into labor on your own, but if you don't and we have to induce for some reason it should go pretty fast!"
"Alright doc... this is good news!"
Now the bad news is, I could barely walk after the exam... she said she was being rough and although it didn't feel too too bad while she was doing the exam the further the night goes on the more and more sore I get! Ouch!
So now we wait... which is what we were doing before, but now at least I know that Caden is making his way into the world. He's determined and working hard, so if he needs to keep using my ribs to push his way down to the bottom, so be it... go Caden go!
We'll keep you posted!
In other news... Justin and I had what we figured to be our last date night before Caden's arrival! We went to one of our favorite restaurants in Austin on Saturday night, sat outside on the patio just before the cold weather arrived, and ate more food than any two people EVER should! It was so yummy! Here's to new adventures, we toasted!
Here is a picture before the big date... again capitalizing on fixed hair and makeup!
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