Kaki is up to the usual one-month-old antics... eating, sleeping, pooping (A LOT) and playing... She is not a huge fan of tummy time but LOVES to play and kick her feet and box her little fists when lying on her back. We only catch her awake enough to really get into her playtime about twice a day, once in the morning and once at night. We've had some nursing adjustments to make over the past week and I think we're getting to where we need to be... once again I am a milk producing machine and have got to learn to manage myself so she can get all that good hind milk that makes them SLEEP through the night! :) Cause let's be real... at this point we are more concerned about sleep than growth... I kid, I kid! :)
Speaking of sleep... the past two nights Kaki has slept from 10pm-4:30am... and it has been glorious! And then we are usually down again by 5:30 or so and get to sleep until 8! Not too bad for a one month old I'd say! Certainly beating the socks right off her brother when it comes to sleep thus far and he really wasn't a bad sleeper. She takes one long morning nap and one long afternoon nap with several little cat naps in between! She is starting to find her voice when she is unhappy... which is usually because she is ready to eat or thinks she is ready to eat which means she really just needs her paci! :)She does like her paci... and her doctor said that it was good for her to use one since she has already developed a super strong sucking reflex... which I can tell you from personal experience (ahem) is a VERY true statement! The girl does NOT mess around with her food! Goodness gracious! She is an Evans-girl through and through... :)
We take a lot baths around here with her tendency to BLOW IT OUT... and UP... so luckily she is a huge fan of the bath! She loves to suck on her wet hands and wiggles her way down until she is a tiny little ball in the bath net... it is the cutest thing... her rolls all bunch together and she looks like a perfect little nugget! I love bath time... especially the way a baby smells after bath time!! It seems to last SO much longer than the sweet smell of a clean toddler... :) And speaking of toddler... she and Caden are both NOISY sleepers... Caden was a grunter and Kaki is following suit. It has taken me some getting used to knowing what the differences between her "I'm waking up" grunts and her "I'm still sleeping" grunts are! Nothing worse than being tricked and depriving yourself of that extra hour of sleep! :)
I love getting to snuggle with my girl... when Caden goes down for naps I try to let her sit in her swing to nap so I can do some things around the house... like blog! :) But typically I can only stand it for about an hour and I have to go pick her up and snuggle for the rest of nap time... and I love it! We also get to snuggle at night too... after the Cade-man goes to bed and when her Daddy's not hogging her! :)
She is in love with her Daddy... they make the BEST faces at each other and I have NO doubt that she knows exactly who he is! It is the sweetest thing to watch a Daddy with a girl! SO different than a Daddy with a boy. Justin calls Kaki "girlfriend" and Caden "terd-licker" so in that alone you can see the difference between having a boy and a girl! :) Ha!
I am so in love with her sweet little face it is painful!! She is such a beautiful little bundle of chub!! WE LOVE OUR KAKI-GIRL SO VERY MUCH! She is a dream... an absolute, perfect little blessing from the good Lord above!! He did some serious knittin' when He made her!! Happy One Month Little One!
Now for her One Month photo shoot... (LOVE MY PICKY STICKIES!!)
But look who decided to join in... in his lovely christmas top pj top and Mickey Mouse undies... to my credit... I do not pick out his pjs each night... that would be his Daddy! Obviously, we are running a little low on our PJs... good thing I finished the laundry this morning! :)
Caden likes to be ALL UP IN Kaki's face... which is going to have to change once he starts back to school again and brings all of those nasty germs home! :)