Happy Two-Week Birthday Sweet Caden!!
Today, Caden had his two week check-up with Dr. Richards. Here are our stats:
10 pounds
22.4 inches
Head Circumference: 39.4 cm
I can't believe Caden has been here for two weeks and then I can't believe it has ONLY been two weeks all the same. I continue to learn new things about my little one each and every day.
In today's news...
Caden and I worked on our 'bag of baby tricks'... wanna see?
Trick #1: Do your best celebrity impersonation, Caden!
Trick #3: Pretend you're sleepy...
Trick #4: Be a damsel in distress...
So this isn't really one of our tricks, but we had to include it anyway... KK came to see us today! Thanks for coming KK... we had a great afternoon on the couch and mommy is super grateful for her nap!
Trick #5: Be a good listener...
Tomorrow is Friday, which means lots of things to lots of people, but for Caden and me it means the start of a three day weekend with dad! We can't wait!
i just cannot wait to meet him...
LOVE the new pics! Happy Friday!
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