Well, before our little incident/accident with the piece of playground equipment that shall never be named, I started am ambitious spring cleaning project aka PURGE THE COX HOUSE OF ALL JUNK!
And while my project was derailed a teeny tiny bit by our Tuesday drama, I've still made some serious progress because let us not forget that the Cade-man is doin' a lot of this...
Back to spring cleaning though...
And after filtering through an obscenely large purse collection it is quite possible that you'll end up with an entirely new lip color collection, a package of kleenex (travel-size of course) and a lone ribbon from a bridesmaid's dress among MANY, MANY other things!
And you'll begin pulling out the unsightly things that remind you of being pregnant and you remind yourself of how much you enjoy sleeping on your stomach and without the Great Wall of Preggo Pillow between you and your hubby and you move on...
And if you're doing a GOOD job at your spring purging, I mean cleaning, you should MOST DEFINITELY use an ENTIRE box of these... And I say this with the most green conscious, of course. Always try to use, reuse and recycle, but if you can't... call in HEFTY, HEFTY CINCH SACK!
It is hard to appreciate the masterpiece that is the Tower O' Cups that graces our bathroom counter tops and it is even harder to explain the magnitude of said tower after openly admitting that we spent only two days at home last week which if you do the math correctly, 2 cups every night (one for me, one for Justin) this little gem has been in the works for well-over 3 weeks.
So while Caden has been napping and a little while he's been up we've been doing some serious purging of closets, drawers, dressers... NOTHING, NO NOTHING in this house is safe when I'm in the mood to purge! But as these things tend to go the mess and junk get WAY worse before it can ever get better.
So it is highly likely that when walking into every room you'll find one of these...
But then if you are me and you live in my house you'll come across something that has NOTHING to do with spring cleaning and wasn't created after any type of purge. It is also something that most people would call a mess or MUCH WORSE, but no, not me... I call it a work of art...
AND you'd be amazed to know that there are a few stragglers sitting by the tower, sad that they couldn't rise to the top like their peers. It seems as though the artists (Justin and I) became fearful of our works' integrity and decided that the tower should go no higher so a fortress around it we will build!
I know so many of my dear friends and family members are cringing at the thought of having a similar piece of art in their own homes, and cringe if you must, but it seems as though in a very subconscious way this Tower of Plastic SWAG has found a tender place in the hearts of men. If it hadn't brought some sweet amount of pleasure and joy surely we would have found a free hand to deliver our counter from clutter MUCH sooner... surely we would have!
And now...
As I type...
The Tower of Plastic SWAG is STILL standing tall, with unwavering determination in its final moments as bathroom counter top art, knowing full well that it's spring purging, I mean cleaning time and nothing, NO nothing is safe...
Love it! I'm already looking forward to summer when I can do my purging!
you always make me laugh!!!!! I want to hang with you two so bad!!!! xoxoxo
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