Before we get to the specifics of your debut as a 4 month old, I want to give a special THANKS to all of the blogger support I received on my post yesterday. I know this is super lame but I have NEVER gotten 7 comments on one post before... so that lets me know that this is a topic that so many grapple with! It was nice to know that there are several other mommies out there who are doing the same thing... and also nice to hear that it was hard for some of them at first too! SO thanks! We appreciate the support...
PS: Just put Caden down for a nap... 8 minutes of crying... and now sleeping! We need to beat 45 minutes... that was how long he went on nap #3 yesterday!
Okay, now for the Birthday Boy...
Caden, I don't want to forget a thing about this month! Each month that passes becomes my new favorite. This month you became quite the entertainer. You are much more independent and need lots of room to stretch out and play. You are learning new things every day and I am continually amazed when you master each new task. Some of the things you have tackled this month are...
- Reading books. You love story time with Mommy. You are very attentive and seem interested in all that books have to teach you. Thanks to Great Aunt Liz we have a wonderful Jesus Storybook Bible that has lots of fun colors and easy words for you to understand. I know it will be something you will treasure forever.
- You LOVE your exer-saucer! You've liked to jump for quite some time, but now you are interested in your activity stations. You twirl the ball and bat the yellow monkey. You try to jump up and touch the red toucan and the blue spotted frog.
- There were 10 in the bed and the little one said ROLL OVER... So you did! You went from tummy to back when you were 2 months old, but you only did it for two days and never again, BUT now you are going from back to tummy every time we lay you down...on your activity mat, on your changing table, in your boppy, you name it... You have not rolled over in the middle of the night YET, but this morning you woke up and decided to give it a whirl. You haven't quite figured out how to get yourself back over yet, which gives mommy a great excuse to come rescue you!
- You have become quite a giggle box in the past few weeks, laughing at your mommy and daddy and even your KK for the silliest of things. You have a great giggle that puts me in stitches every time I hear it.
- You are ticklish... your tummy, your toes and under your chin are your most ticklish spots. Mommy and daddy abuse the power to tickle you because we love to hear you laugh. From two very ticklish people we understand it is the worst form of torture though and are trying to use our opportunities sparingly! :)
- You continue to "talk." You LOVE to talk to the cute baby in the mirror! Mommy likes to talk to that same baby too! He's the best!
- You are getting better and better at grabbing things with your hands. Of course, you taste everything first, just to make sure it's safe and then you go on and shake it around!
- While this may not be something you want to remember, but something mommy sure does... yesterday you started to cry it out during nap time! Today is day two and you are doing fantastic!
- You sleep 9-11 hours each night!! You don't give us any problems at bedtime and love that time to spend with your daddy!
- You sit in your Bumbo and enjoy it more and more each day! Hurray!
You are constantly entertaining us lil man! I don't know what your daddy and I did without you?! What did we talk about?! You are the most amazing blessing we have ever received! We Praise Jesus for each and every minute we get to spend with you, even the ones like right now when you are crying because you want nap time to be over... not yet my little one, not yet!
A few pictures of our birthday boy!
Happy Birthday Caden!!
I just read your previous post and I must confess that Erik and I didn't get the memo that you aren't really supposed to let your baby cry it out from day 1 and well...poor Jack...we got home from the hospital and I'm pretty sure we let him cry it out from week one! :( Only for like 5 minutes but still...we were such mean parents!!! And like Justin, Erik was the one encouraging me to do it. While he was at work it was SOOO hard to listen to him cry.
Love you sweet birthday boy!
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