Since last Tuesday we've been up to our usual antics... playing, school, eating, pooping, sleeping... and of course a little bit of traveling!
On Wednesday, we had the sweet treat of Nana coming to visit us! She came and took us to lunch and hung out around the house with us... putting together puzzles, reading books, building blocks! It was a good time and always a welcome surprise when Nana calls and says she is comin' to the Rock! Unfortunately, I have ZERO pics to show for it... :(
Thursday after school I picked up Caden in "Daddy's New Car" which he has had for quite some time now and broke the EXCITING news... We are going to San Antonio for the weekend!! Justin was camping with friends from church for the weekend which meant we had the time and luxury of getting to do our own thing too... so to San Antonio we flew...
Or drove...
And it was a bit slow because of this big daddy storm that we had to drive through...
Yes it was a bit scary at times and I had to pull over before the real heavy rain to go to the bathroom which was a bit of a handful with two kids in tow... but we were no worse for the wear and managed just fine! And these days I find it REALLY HARD to complain about ANY rain that we get... even if it is torrential and I am driving in it... we need it so badly!
Once we got to San Antonio we let the fun begin... yummy meals cooked by Kk and lots of cuddles!
Kaki got to play with her new lovie for KK's house. It is an angel who we appropriately named Angelica, but we call her Angie of course! :) Kaki and Angie had the BEST time ...
She found that Angie shielded her from all of the woes of the world...
My sweet girl insists on having things all over her face... whether it is her hands or my hand... and thus this is reason #425 why I am a no bumper, no blanket, no lovie Mommy! :) Unless of course I am right there watching my sweet thing find her comfy spot! Silly girl!
KK and Albi got out all of the big girl baby toys for Kaki to try out this weekend! Caden had a fun time watching Kaki try out all of the things he used when he was a baby at KK's house... such fun!
Albi took Caden to get a super special haircut while we were there... seriously, if my parents ever move away from San Antonio I think I am going to have to find a way to get back down there and see this lady about my little man's hair... because WOW! She does such a great job! I barely have to comb it! LOVE that!! And he looks like such a little man!
Kaki pretty much took life hard while we were there... napping, playing... you know!
Again the towel all up in her face! To be fair we did not plan on her falling asleep there or else we would have gotten something more comfy than an old towel for her to lay on! :)
On Saturday Kaki was invited into the man cave to watch the Bears... (LOSE!!) and I think it is safe to say that she had the BEST time. She was awake for much of the time until she couldn't take the sight of those Bears throwing a game away any longer and she fell asleep... rocking with her Albi!
Caden and Albi did lots of DUDE things while we were there... they played tennis, basketball, got a haircut, went to the toy store (OF COURSE!) and bought a HUGE box of blocks... a 30 pound box of blocks... it was SO much fun to play with them all! There is nothing better than a tub of blocks... I think I am more excited about Caden loving blocks than he is... it is certainly his newest obsession!
After a relaxing and fun loving weekend with KK and Albi we had to rush home to see our Daddy... we were excited for an afternoon at home with Daddy and a family date night to top off our weekend away from each other! Thanks for taking us in for the weekend KK and Albi... we had TOO much fun!
And of course we went to our favorite spot and sat on the patio... it was delightful! We are sure to be soaking up every bit of this lovely fall weather!
Kaki wore a new little outfit from KK... SO CUTE!
Happy, blue-eyed girl at dinner!
When we got home and I was washing bottles... I decided that I needed to try and capture a few more pictures of our little polka dotted cutie!
This week we've done a lot of outside time... walks, trips to the park, etc.
On Monday while we were playing at the park Caden decided to poop... he is not usually a public pooper... BUT alas he couldn't fight the urge I suppose. I had wipes and diapers for Kaki but not for Caden. So I figured I'd rig two of Kaki's diapers together to get us home... it was like a string bikini diaper... lovely! :) But it worked!! Even held up when Caden water-boarded himself with his squeeze bottle! Ha! Note to self... sippy cup is best!
Later that day I was able to capture this sweet pic of my two kiddos... it almost looks intentional doesn't it?! I love it so... it's my screen saver on my phone... and I am running my battery down because I click it on SO much just to look at that sweet picture! :)
Today we did the whole walk, park thing again... it was a glorious morning! This time Caden wanted to go to a park near our house but I needed to get in some exercise so I told him that Mommy had to walk first... he wasn't super patient with me but I assured him that a Mommy who works out is a better Mommy for he and Kaki and that seemed to pacify him for 10 seconds... :)
Finally we made it back to the park and Kaki was in SLEEP mode...
And YES I kiss on those sweet cheeks all day long... no wonder they are a bit chapped! :)
And the big boy... gallivanting around the playscape...
Climbing up the forbidden fire pole... those things scare me... it's not the going up... it's the huge holes in the playscape and the coming down that does! My friends and I also joke about bringing caution tape to the park with us so our kids won't get tempted!
Sweet girl woke up and was pleasantly surprised to be outside! :) Monday... she got to go down the slide for the first time... we beat Caden down! :) Girls rule!!
Then we came home and decided it was too nice to go inside so we sat and colored the porch with chalk...
And rolled in the grass... don't you LOVE the way cold grass feels?! There is nothing quite like it... and Caden couldn't pass up the opportunity to revel in it! :)
Diving in...
Crash...ahhhhh it feels so nice!
Lost the hat as he rolled back the other way...
Then he rolled to the side of the house... look at that happy boy!!
What a great fall day!
And that about covers it! We are planning to head to Waco for the weekend to celebrate a certain someone's birthday (which happens to be TODAY... Happy Birthday Aunt Ree Ree!!)... and Caden and Justin get to go watch the Bears for the first time this year! Hopefully it will be a better outcome this week for the Bears!
Kaki and I are planning on taking advantage of Nana's birthday gift... Friday Night Lights... the ENTIRE series on DVD... Clear eyes, full hearts... CAN'T LOSE!
Texas forever!
Happy Hump Day!!
Great pictures of C rolling in the grass! Crazy kid! And so glad that you guys were able to come and hang with us last weekend. It was too much fun!
Y'all spend your days much like we do...if only we could do it together! I love Kaki's little polka dot outfit...precious!
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