16 Weeks...
As of today, I'm 16 Weeks and some change... and by change I mean one day. Today, I had my 16 week doctor's appointment and so far this pregnancy I am "REALLY BORING," my doctor's words, not mine. And normally I would be a bit defensive against anyone who chose to call me REALLY BORING, but when it comes to doctors and pregnancy, REALLY BORING is just fine with me! In fact I hope I am the MOST BORING PERSON in the world when my doctor's opinions of me and my growing baby are concerned. For now, I am going to PRAISE GOD for every boring doctor's report I get and pray for plenty more, 6+ months more of them, in fact!
One little tid bit that my doctor shared that is NOT BORING... February 21st is the day we take our first in-depth look at Baby Cox in all of HIS/HER glory! And hopefully, our little one will let us sneak a peek at that glory so Baby Cox can become one of two names we have decided on. Yes, that's right, we've decided, BUT we're not telling until the big reveal... so you'll have to wait 5 weeks for it! :) And let me just say that it is a pure gift from God that we settled on these two names and were both in complete and TOTAL agreement, seeing as both names we've chosen were on the NO WAY list just a few weeks ago...
And Some Change...
Since, my post is void of any visual eye-candy I figured I'd give you a list of a few things that I've been enjoying around the web/world lately... I love the start of the new year because there are SOOOO many exciting things that people are doing with their homes, children, lives, etc. and so mcuh of it ends up on a blog or website somewhere for the rest of the world to copy!
Praying God's Word
One of my favorite bloggers has organized a VERY VERY COOL monthly series on Praying God's Word. She broke scripture up week by week, each week having a theme, like Husband's Job... that's this week's. At the beginning of each week she is providing a snip-it of the previous week and the upcoming verses for the current week. The idea is to LITERALLY pray God's word over your family and watch Him get busy. This is the third week of the series and so far I am LOVING it! I have Beth Moore's book Praying God's Word and I love it and have always said that I would love to come up with something more intentional for my family... BUT alas, I am never that organized, BUT this blogger friend certainly is! Hop on over and check it out! I hope you'll consider joining in!
Anyone? If you have an iphone and are into aps, this is my new OBSESSION! It is perfect for those shoulder to shoulder times you have with your husband when he is watching something you don't want to watch on TV or waiting in the doctor's office, etc. It is a super easy game to learn BUT ridiculously hard to master! It's a word game so the more words you know the better you'll be at this game! Check it out!
Joanne, The Simple Wife
I stumbled upon this story and this blog through another blog that I read consistently and now I am hooked. If you have not heard about Joanne and her family and their story, you should! It is a tragic, tragic story, full of lots of sad spots, BUT there is LOTS and lots of faith, and even more hope and TONS of love. Follow her, pray for her and learn from her! I know I am!
Ringing in the New Year
I've seen several bloggers tap into this brillant idea to catalogue your Christmas Cards, or even baby shower cards, etc. BUT I saw it on the blog linked above FIRST! This is on my list of things to do! Long list... but I when I think of all of the drawer space I'll save and the rubber bands I'll get back, I'm pretty sure I'll be bumpin' it up the list!
Unveiled, Francine Rivers
For Christmas I received the first book in this series by Francine Rivers called the Lineage of Grace Series. They are about five different women, all in the birthline of Jesus. The first book is about Tamar. Each book includes Bible Studies at the end that are a fun thing to go through once you are finished, but the stories themselves are all based on scripture but jump off the page like you are reading a fiction novel. If you've never read Francine Rivers before, you are in for a treat!
Hope everyone is having a great week! I hope to be back more often come Friday when I get my laptop back... blogging from the couch is much more doable for me! :) Love y'all!!
Bachelor Grant Recap: You Mess With the Bull
11 hours ago
Great post! I cracked 1400 on Moxie for the first time! Soooooo addicting! Keep on being boring!
I'm loving the praying the scriptures for our family! And you need to read Her Mother's Hope by Francine Rivers and the sequel to it, Her Daughter's Dream...amazing books!
Congratulations on the new baby! I've been MIA from blog world lately, so I missed the announcement! Glad you are feeling so well!
Eeeek so fun! Making me want another!!!! Xoxo
So grateful for a healthy baby Cox! Love ya'll!
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