Okay, we didn't quite make the decision to put Caden back into surgery that light-heartedly... I mean they wanted me to do this LAST May... so we definitely gave it a good 'ol college try but his eardrums weren't quite ready to mature...
So off we went...
Thursday afternoon KK swooped in and saved the day and offered to stay home with Kaki so that Justin could come with me to the hospital. I originally thought I'd just go with Caden and Justin would stay home with Kaki, but KK knew better and insisted that she come so Justin could be with us and a mother knows best after all...so who was I to argue?
It was nice to have Justin there to comfort, calm and reassure Caden that everything was going to be ok... oh and me too! :) There is nothing about surgery that I like but I am thankful that this is a very rare occasion in Caden's life, because it just isn't easy! My heart breaks for those who have stared surgery in the face time after time after time. The idea of him being ALL THE WAY UNDER was a bit much for me...although the alternative of him being awake during such an ordeal is way worse... so I counted my blessings for anesthesia! :)
Everything went really well. And God gave me a little treasure in a very specifically answered prayer... Caden's anesthesiologist was the same one that I had when I had Kaki earlier this summer. We got to be good buds while I was on the operating table and I was so thankful for his company... he was great and I was hoping/praying that he would be Caden's doctor too! AND... wouldn't you know... when he walked in I smiled from the inside out and gave God a little wink to say thank you! He was great with Caden and made the experience as easy as any surgery can be.
He even gave Caden a little pre-drug-drug to calm him down... he was giggly and loopy and had very few tears when they wheeled him out of the room and into to surgery and for that I am grateful! That is a hardest part on a Momma... I was dreading his screams and tears as they took him away, but thanks to modern medicine I shed WAY more tears than he did!
But no worries...I was able to keep back the tears until he was out of sight and then I had to have my little moment... you know... it's a me thing!
About 30 minutes later the ENT came in and told us that he did great and would need to be in recovery another 30 minutes and he'd come back to see us. Well about 15 minutes after that I heard Caden SCREAMING... he was UP! And I was thankful to hear that cry... even though I was sad that I could not go sweep him up and hold him, I was so grateful for his noise! :)
This is Caden pre-surgery... doesn't he look so sad... he really hated that gown!!
He still had his IV in and in between fits of trying to pull it out of his hand he'd lay back and fall asleep... it was sad, funny and a bit unsettling all at the same time to see him so out of it!
Once again... Gina outdid herself... seriously cute!!
And I am so very thankful that it is over and behind us... we are grateful for our happy, healthy boy!! Let's pray these suckers work!! :)
And if you are wondering how Kaki fared during this whole thing...
Caden's Surgery 2.0... done and done!
seriously glad that is over for all of you and that this surgery will do the trick.
I had no idea he was having surgery. So thankful everything went well. Kaki is a doll! See you soon!
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