Yee-Haw! Gather round part-nas! It's time for a little weekend recap...
Me and Hank... Hank that's my horse... Hank... Hank the Horse...
Well, me and Hank (Hank and I, Caden...Hank and I) Right... me and Hank had a bunch of business to tend to this weekend... lots of business!
I was thankful my Albi visited on Saturday because as any cowboy knows, riding the open range can get awful lonely without a buddy... a cowbuddy!
We had a cattle situation to tend to... and you know how those go... real tough, them cattle...real tough! Stubborn son-of-a-guns!
Them cows were spinning circles around me and Hank at first, but then Albi and I were able to split ways and get them back in their herd...
I know I look good in my game-day cowboy duds, but I had serious business to tend I said... serious business... I wasn't too happy about the paparazzi that showed up on the range. Fortunately for them... I left my rifle at home! That woulda taught 'em!
Long story short...we got em back to the pin... but it was not an easy job... not at all! I managed to get home with my body in tact... but my fingernails well that's another story... herdin' cattle is an anxious gig! Makes my nerves real excited...
Back at the ranch KK was there to greet the lone rangers... Albi and me or I or whatever...
She was excited to hear of our successes out in the pasture...
And got a good chuckle at the stories we told of our days' work...including the one that included Albi getting bucked off into a watering hole... no one ever said being a cowboy was easy... Just ask Romo... (joke, joke, joke!!)
After a days' riding it made good sense to get some solid shut eye... I had to ride solo on Sunday...into Georgetown to tend to some matters in town...
I met my other cowbuddies at the bench in front of the coffee shop and talked over the latest news...
And wouldn't you know... that dang paparazzi showed up again... dad-gum they're relentless! And again they caught me rifle-less!!
My cowbuddies and me (Cowbuddies and I, I, Caden...) Right... my cowbuddies and me... we always have a good knee-slappin' laugh... them boys are too funny for their own good!
Now I'm back at the ranch, enjoying a little Sundee night football before I hit the hay... (and I mean that figuratively of course... us cowboys have REAL beds now... hay is for the birds!)
Night all!
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