Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"Bloggers everywhere say "e." is a MUST read..."

"Critics agree, "e." is hilarious..."

"Only days after she hit the worldwide web, writer Emily Evans is a SMASH hit... "


"Wait just one big fat minute Katie... " you say, "isn't Emily Evans YOUR sister-in-law?"

Yes, folks! You've got it right yet again! I AM in fact kin to the fabulously famous author of "e." If you haven't heard of it... well... you're behind the times... WAY behind! The blog has been in operation since Saturday... it's time to get with the program blog land and visit...

NOW! Pretty Please! If you're not too busy... and heck, even if you are... you should do it... NOW! Well after you finish reading my post, of course... 

Now before y'all get your panties in a bundle and begin to think of the one million and one different reasons why she would start this blog, (including to announce that their family of three is expanding) let me tell you how this thing went down...

Emily didn't exactly decide to start a blog, she was more like "invited" to start a blog. Or you could substitute the word "invited" for any one of the following...forced, strongly urged, given no other choice, etc. It was a birthday gift from yours truly and so you see to not use her birthday gift, well... that would be just plain rude... so she is humoring me (literally... I'm in stitches when I read her entries) and blogging... 

And thanking ME for her instant fame and popularity! 

On "e." she'll be writing about all sorts of things...wine, food, travel, Broadway... and even , dare I say it...Hanson (yes the group with three long-haired boys). And she'll write about these very specific things because well that is how the blog was designed... ha! BUT to my superlative credit I chose this "theme" because she is a LOVER of all of these exquisite things and an aficionado on ALL of these things and where she lacks in innate knowledge she makes up for it in research (the girl can do wonders with a search engine!) and experimentation (she does not test on animals... you would know this if you read her blog... she has a dog... and a pink bear...). 

So if the rave reviews up top and her refined tastes and informed commentary of all things exquisite didn't generate enough intrigue to pop on over to "e.", here are a few more... 

When visiting "e." you might happen to come across statements like the following...

This is my hubby. He is adorable, sweet as sugar cane, and he likes food and wine as much as I do.  Actually I may like wine a little more than him, but he says that we are the same so I won't be self-conscious...what a dear!

Meet my fam! They taught me about Jesus and how to beat people up.

Unlike most legitimate blogs, I don't have a kid, BUT that's not going to stop me!

Or if you are more of a visual person... a picture of "e.'s" witty writer will say far more than I EVER could, much less 1,000 words...

You're sold, aren't you?! You see the stigma... you see why she has achieved instant stardom don't you?

"How can this beautifully refined, painfully classy Blondy of a belle not be worthy a read," you wonder?! 

Well, wonder no longer... there is NO way for "e." not to be a MUST read! So do it and YOU TOO will be thanking me for her instant fame and popularity!

And in an effort to stay true to the likes of "e." I'll be signing-off as Emily ends her illustrious blog entries...

Love y'all. Mean it!

Show my sister some blog love!!!

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