Thursday, November 21, 2013

No Halloween Gonna Get Me

Thanksgiving is one week from today, and three weeks ago today, was Halloween and THIS day I am blogging... you with me?

This year Halloween was new and different and refreshing! We played hooky from our normal church activities and decided to have a low-key trick-or-treating event around the hood. It was really nice and so fun to watch both kids experience the excitement that is contained in those three little words... trick or treat! 

This year, Butchy and Doc McStuffins were pretty easy to pull off and required limited purchases and for that I consider our costume selections a huge success!

What fun!

I was half-expecting Caden to want to be Levi Norwood by the time Halloween finally got here. I figured his enthusiasm for Butchy would have faded in light of his Baylor Bears, but alas, he surprised me yet again and fully supported his previous character decision and I do believe he was a great Butchy!

And Kaki was easy... she ALWAYS (since the first time we asked her) said she wanted to be Doc McStuffins... well okay then! She wasn't really into the costume as much as the candy... she fully supported Halloween once she got the hang of how the trick or treat thing actually worked. Chocolate... I get chocolate? Just by following Caden up to random doors and smiling? AWESOME!!

She was not a fan of her stethoscope... 

Or smiling for the camera...

But this guy... always a ham!

The duo pic went about as good as it always does...

Head 'em up and move 'em out... we totally took roadies!

See those little tykes up at the door? CAH-UTE!

Now we're groovin...

On the move...

Always the lead...

Getting dark... and a bit scary... we encountered a few scary costumes and a few scary houses to which Kaki always said, "No Halloween Gonna Get Me!" Preach!

We made it pretty late... it was really good and dark and they both had buckets FULL...

And in the coming 48 hours we would finally experience the horrors of Halloween candy... TWICE at 2:30 am Kaki woke up screaming, "I WANT HALLOWEEN CANDY!!!" Right... at 2:30 in the morning. With candy on the brain there was little room for anything else... except for the part of the brain that allows children to form questions, negotiations and raise their voices! 

So we traded those suckers (no pun intended) for toys... thank you Ashley for your great idea!

Although, I must say as soon as it was gone... we missed it! 


No Halloween (candy) was gonna get us!


Cori said...

Ha I'm with's hard to go wrong with chocolate, no matter what time of day it is! And a roadie is a must! :)

Unknown said...

Such cuties! It looks like such a fun time!