Monday, October 19, 2009

You Didn't Think You'd Stoop So Low...

Until you forget to buy overnight diapers at the grocery store on Sunday, and then...

The HEB in Georgetown Justin visited at lunch didn't have your brand...

So you figure you'll check out CVS and Walgreens on a little "after-dinner-trip..."

And still no overnight diapers... unless of course you have a 45 pounder who also uses the potty I might add...

The clock is ticking... it's almost bedtime and any other stores with any type of diaper in them are at least a 12 minute drive away... tick, tock, tick, tock...

IMPROVISE... yah we'll just improvise...

We could use a Little Swimmer... they're adsorbent right? (Justin)

I'm not so sure... in the pool yes, but just straight pee...not so sure. (Katie)

We could double-up his daytime diapers... (Katie)

Too bulky... (Justin)

What if we just double-up the front panel... that's where all his pee ends up anyway!! (Katie)

GREAT IDEA Katie!! I'll build it while you nurse Caden... (Justin)

And so he did...


Check-out the double front panel design... you think we could patent this?

Assembling the front panel...

And sealing the deal with panel number 2!

All secure!!

1 comment:

Cori said...

Haha way to go on making do with what you have! Pretty inventive!