Monday, June 16, 2014

Late May, Early June Photo Dump

 Lots of day in the life randomness in between the BIG events...

There was a time when every post had a theme and the pictures had a purpose... like Caden is 6 months photo shoot. Or our first trip to the, name your place. But now it's snapping life as it happens and it happens fast! Not a whole lot of creative process these days! :)

Caden asked me tonight, "Why do you blog, Mommy?"

And I said, "For you, Caden. So someday you can share with your wife and kids what you were like as a boy." 

He said, "I probably won't have a wife and kids, so don't worry about it."


But truth is, I blog for me.

Just yesterday I spent 30 minutes going back through blogs of Caden's first year of life. I didn't remember how soon he crawled and what he was doing at 9 months, but because of this silly little blog, which actually wasn't so silly at all in that moment, I got to relive it all over again. And I cried.

And I smiled. And laughed and shared with Caden some videos and pictures that I posted.

And it's all worth it.

Just please, Mr. Internets... don't die before I get all of these blog books printed! Please! :)




Photo Dump...

Caden and his matching Bear!

Moments like these are good for my mama heart... taking a break from the Under Armour and the balls for a bit to be a little boy! :)

One of the fun things about our new hood is all of the friends we have here and the young families ALL around us!

It leads to fun things like impromptu play dates and porch graffiti! :)

Shamefully, we had not had a movie night in our new home... so we fixed that a few weeks ago with a blow out night... 

The snack table... 

The movie...

And the reason Kaki got tired early...

Not thinking she napped this day... and I didn't find it until Justin put her to bed. He asked, "Did Kaki nap today?" I said, "I think so!" He said, "I'm not so sure!"

Stickers have been banned in our house... officially! And even still after their banning they keep appearing! She's got a stash somewhere we cannot find! :) Bless it!

But we survived the movie either way... tired or not! It's a good one!

Kaki had nearly as much fun at Caden's soccer games this season as he did... nearly!

She got to pick flowers! LOTS of flowers!

And she met a kindred spirit... one who likes to dig in the dirt and be messy just like she does! Her name is Mallory which Kaki says, "Maw-wy" and they are the cutest!

One day they spent the entire game digging up mud chunks and making a pile... they proceeded to do this two other games... mud... chunks... sticks... dig... pile! 

Whatever works!

One Saturday Kaki got to go to a party without her bro... and she was pumped! We celebrated our friend Violet with a swim party! We had a fun girl date! :)

And selfies continue... 

And he's doing the upside down peace sign these days... TOO MUCH BAYLOR FOOTBALL ON YOU TUBE!! 

HEY-HO!!! I'm CADEN!!!

Memorial Day weekend we had a plan... a LIST and endless energy (I wish!). But despite our old age and failing energy at times we managed to have a productive weekend doing some work around the house!

We started our weekend with some demo... light demo, but still demo! :)

What a man!

And we POOPED on the potty for the first time!! Which OH MY GOODNESS! HUGE HUGE HUGE DEAL in our house... SUCH A HUGE DEAL that Kaki got twins!!

The irony of this will be funny to her someday!

Our post-demo, organized-ish laundry room with no cabinet and room for dog crates!! Success!!

It rained that weekend... like poured on Memorial Day proper... but we didn't let it ruin our fun... but did let it encourage us to wind down on the front porch by day's end.

I snapped this picture at some point... during some weekend... because well, can't you see why? Apple and tree and all of that gene pool stuff!

Justin made me take a picture of our MASTER MEMORIAL DAY weekend list because I kept adding things to it... he said, "we've crossed everything off, take a picture because it's going in the trash!"

Which meant... the dishes are done! So to speak!

I voted. 

Caden conquered his alphabet flash cards! And proudly posed to prove it!

And that'll do donkey!

That'll do.

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