Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Fabulous Five...

Sweet Kaki girl is 5 months old... and unlike my super punctual way of tackling Caden's monthly posts I am WAY, WAY behind! Okay, so really only two days, but that seems like an eternity in blog world, especially when I have a stack of "posts" waiting in the wing!

So much to say about our Kaki-pants! She is a joy beyond all joys, she makes every one say, "awwww!" From her big bows and poofy cheeks to her smile that makes her nose crinkle she is one little bundle of love! I haven't noticed until recently, but I am not calling her "little, little" near as much as I once was and I think it is entirely related to the fact that she well, isn't so little anymore... she's growing right on up! She is holding her head up so well, laughing at will, bouncing in her exer-saucer and believe it or not, girlfriend has even decided to develop an opinion!!!

I know... the nerve of her to get all huffs and puffs on us after such a sweet four months! The joke is now on us... because Kaki-girl has got some stuff to say about naps. Nuh-uh... girlfriend says, "NO thank you, I think I'll stay and play with you for awhile, Mommy! No? You want me to NAP!! Hmph... try this on for size..."


We didn't think she had it in her! But does she ever! And part of me is grateful that she has got a bit of stubborn streak in her, because we all know that well-harnessed stubborness can be a beautiful gift...

With that being said we've had to do some Mommy nap boot camp the past few days... SO. NOT. FUN. But alas... like discipline... another not so fun thing... it is a part of parenthood and I do LOVE me some parenthood!! The show and the job! It's all good stuff!

Let's see what else can we say about sweet n suddenly sassy Kaki...

I think she may be a bit of a goofball... she has a deep, raspy voice... several octaves lower than her big bro's that is for sure. And speaking of big bro, she sure does love him and puts up with his CONSTANT singing, chanting and banging... if she's OVER the Baylor Bears and decides to become an Aggie it will be ALL Caden's fault! If she could speak I have NO DOUBT that she could sing the Baylor Fight Song right along with Caden! Bless her sweet heart!

There is still no one that can make Kaki laugh as much as Caden and he is still set on keeping her happy. He talks to her and asks her questions and if he gets frustrated while waiting for a response he just goes on ahead and responds for her... like yesterday when she was crying he said, "Kaki, you need your paci? Oh you do?! I be right back!" Then he jogs off in search of a paci! When he comes up short... "how about your blanket? I think she needs her blanket!" :) Sweet brother!

Kaki still loves her some Mickey Mouse... hilarious! I had to FORCE Caden to stare at a television when he was this age, but Kaki is all about it! So funny! I think we've got a future soap watcher here! :) Oh dear!

She loves to listen to people sing and enjoys her books before naps and bedtime. Oh... and how could I forget... her two most favorite things in the WORLD are... her right and left hands... Cheech and Chong... luckily they go EVERYWHERE with her, or else we'd be in a mess! She is all about getting those two hands as far in her mouth as possible, so much so that I keep thinking she'll be a thumb/finger/hand sucker but so far she hasn't found any particular piece that is better than her paci! They are just fun friends for now! :)

She has really been enjoying her lovie... she likes it all up in her face when she is trying to go to sleep... BUT don't worry, I watch her closely and move it just after she's gone to sleep! It's so sweet to watch her bury her face in it! Both of my kids LOVE their lovies! :) And might just take them to college! Okay... at least to Kindergarten! :)

I love my sweet Kaki girl! She is absolutely a love-bug!! We are so grateful that we get to be her parents!! What a perfect addition she has been to our family... we love you Kaki-pants!!!

And now a few photos of my 5 month old!! :)


Kaki's my name...
Sweet little bow head...

Are we done yet??!!

Happy FIVE Months Kaki!!


KK said...

Sweet kaki!! Love that girl! Happy 5 months Kaki-pants.

Melissa said...

What a sweet girl!! The pictures of her sitting up with a huge grin are adorable!! Happy 5 months miss Kaki!

Emily and Josh said...

Yay Kaki! Give that sweet girl lots of kisses from us!