Sunday, January 24, 2010

I've Learned from Experience...

The Evolution of a Sinus Infection.

Also commonly known as Sinusitis. 

Sure it sounds like the insult you slung at Jimmy Applewhite in 3rd grade when he said you ran like a girl... BUT alas, it is not! It is a pesky little illness that sneaks up on you when you least expect it... or maybe when you COMPLETELY expect it, but nonetheless it's pesky!

So how did this little pesky friend of mine come to be?!

Well it all started last week... last Friday to be exact.

It all started with him...

I know what you're thinking... how could this sweet, cute little boy have ANYTHING to do with this. Well it's not his fault really... he only has something to do with this evolutionary tale because of these guys...

Yep... the peskiest of the pesky... GERMS!! Cold virus germs. Now, I bet you are all wondering where Caden picked up HIS pesky friends the germs??!! Well, now isn't that a good question?! I'm afraid I'm sworn to silence... but just between you and me, it may or may not have been someone whose name begins with a K and ends with a K. And that person may or may not have gotten it from someone who is the last living man to be carrying a "cotton germ rag," I mean handkerchief in his pocket...everyday.

Yes, those two people may or may not have known that what they thought may or may not have been allergies was in fact NOT allergies. And so the story continues...

So needless to say, Caden's friends the germs decided that they liked me BEST and wanted to come hang out with me for awhile. So on Monday night, my friends the Cold Virus Germs came to join me in my comfy little bed.

BUT. I. AM. WOMAN. AND. MOMMY. and I got up the next day ready to take them on! They weren't going to get me down... NO. NO!

So Wednesday rolls around and I am just about to cough up my last germ! Literally, wash my hands of them and then this...
A Cedar Tree... oh the cedars, may they be forever wiped from the face of the earth! Not really... not really... but maybe they could mutate and give us allergy nerds a break?!

It started mild... just a little irritation but then Friday I saw the news and I knew I was in trouble...

And boy was I?! I couldn't stop doing this...

And you think she looks bad?! You should have seen me and my ugly sneeze face! NOT. PRETTY.

So on Saturday when my body decided that a fever was in fact the only way to get me to go to the doctor, it did me a favor and spiked a little temp. I packed up the book I was currently reading and my snot rags and headed to Urgent Care. After a not so long wait, I got me plenty of these...
And was assured that YES it in fact was SINUSITIS that I was suffering from, so I would need to spend lots of time on one of these...
So I've been following the doctors orders (not gracefully I might add) and laying on the couch, ALL day! Between Legally Blonde, My Big Fat Greek Wedding and a fantastic afternoon nap I've been doing pretty well...(only complaining every 5 minutes about how tired I was... why was I tired? I'm never tired!! YOU. ARE. SICK. My poor, sweet hubby had to continually remind me.)

But the turning point of the day came when I decided I needed to do a little allergy nerd stand-by. I needed to do a little nasal lavage!!

Ahhhhh, salt water up the nose never felt so good!!

But the meds, the couch, and the nasal lavage TOGETHER could never be as helpful as this guy right here though! He has taken over Mommy duty with style today! He did say he is READY to go back to work tomorrow... which made me smile just a little... it is nice to know that he acknowledges how hard my job is sometimes! :)

Oh and I can't forget to give props for a little sinus pressure relief from my friend Frank here...

He sure knows how to light  me up!

So there you have it... the Evolution of a Sinus Infection... 

So, if you were beginning to wonder where I've been lately??!!

Well, I've been EVOLVING... clearly!


KK said...

hahaha funny......NOT!

Steph Meyer said...

awww! sweet katie. welcome to the mommy club! hope you get to rest a little bit and that those nasty germs stay away!
p.s. and we all still love kk!