Wednesday, March 11, 2009

2 Month Shots & Stats

Well, we survived... barely, but we did! Watching your child get shots in unlike any experience I've had to date... I have never heard him cry quite like that! Oh it was so sad... and his sweet little face and head were fire engine red within minutes! Oh he was so sad! And then he was just mad when we were getting him dressed, but then... oh then... when I picked him up and hugged him tight, all was better in his world! 

I have to give mad props to Justin for holding the little guy while that mean 'ol nurse stuck our little Caden! :) Actually, that mean 'ol nurse is one of the nicest nicest ladies... I know she hates giving them just as much as we hate seeing him get them!

Alright so no surprise, we've got a BIG boy on our hands! Dr. R asked Caden if Jerry Jones had been knocking on his door to sign a contract... ha! Not yet, college first Dr. R, come on now! :)

I didn't get his head circumference... I know, I know, bad mom, but I've got the height and weight, and we are above the 95th percentile in both categories so I am sure the head is no different.

2 Month Stats

Weight: 17.0 lbs
Height: 25.5 inches

Now, we're enjoying this cold rainy day inside... check out my view...

I hate to wake him up, but soon enough I'm going to have to and snuggle up with my lil man for the rest of the day! 

Sweet boy!

1 comment:

Cori said...

I'm glad you all survived! He's as cute as ever!